Dates- February 24-March 1 2025 New Orleans Louisiana

Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 :

Escola de Samba Casa Samba will be sponsoring the first New Orleans Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval conference. Five days of training culminating into the biggest parade in New Orleans Endymion Parade.

Annual Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025

Five days of training culminating into the biggest parade in New Orleans Endymion Parade. Come and be a part of this historic event.

Conference Starts in:

Why Attend Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025?

Join us at the inaugural New Orleans Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval conference, sponsored by Escola de Samba Casa Samba! Get ready for four days of training leading up to the epic Endymion Parade, the biggest parade in New Orleans. Don’t miss this priceless opportunity to be part of history and experience the magic of the parade from the inside. It’s an experience of a lifetime!

   Along with this lifetime experience, you will be helping to restart the NORDC and Casa Samba Community children’s program called the Samba Kids  The program has been around for more than 20 years, with the proceeds from the registration for this Carnaval conference in 2005. Casa Samba will be able to build our children’s program back up to doing the festivals and performances around the city representing Youth involved in Afro-Brazilian culture.

Description: The Conference will take place from February 24th to March 1st. Rehearsals will be held from Tuesday to Friday, with two sessions per day from 1 PM to 2:45 PM and 3:15 PM to 5 PM. Additionally, there will be two mandatory rehearsals on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Friday, costume distribution will take place for the percussion band (Bateria), and a dress rehearsal for all participants, including individual animal sections. Important instructions regarding meeting points and items allowed at the parade will also be provided.

 Using Afro-Brazilian rhythms and dance of Carnaval in Rio and Bahia a mixture of both. Plus this is a melting pot city we have to include our very own New Orleans rhythms in this Carnaval 2025 mixture of Brazil and New Orleans rhythms.

Check-in - Monday 12 PM to 6 PM for registration and check-in

Rehearsals - Tuesday - Friday General rehearsals between 12 to 6 PM, including a 30-minute snack break

Night performances - Tuesday through Thursday featuring New Orleans and Brazilian cultural performances

Costume fitting - Friday the 28th for inspection, distribution of costumes, and information and credentials

Endymion Parade - Saturday March 1st the big day in the big easy! This is the day of the parade. Meet at Location TBA in City Park

Quality Time with both New Orleans and Brasilian Experts on Culture

World-renowned Afro-Brasilian Artists featured- Mestre Jorge Alabe and Professora Carolyn Barber-Pierre, World-renowned Master jazz drummer Herlin Riley, the incomparable James Andrews one of the greatest premier trumpeters Touring the world representing New Orleans, Big Chief Shaka Zulu, Big Chief Honey two of the pioneers of the Mardi Gras Black Indian culture, YMO Young in Olympia social aid and pleasure club (Second line dancers), and New Orleans ambassador of Afro-Brasilian culture Mestre Curtis. Mestre will speak about the new cultural update on the Street rhythms of New Orleans. Due to his being born and raised in New Orleans rhythms and submerging his life into Brazilian culture rhythms, he holds the most accurate knowledge therefore putting himself at the Crossroads of  Carnaval. Come here to his story history of Drumming in New Orleans.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone can be a part of this great spectacular event. Even if you are 14 years and older you can join with proof of age. If you are a professional or semi-professional dancer or musician/drummer. You would be eligible to be in any of the following sections. Section 1 Drummers(Bateria) Section 2 Dancer (Passistas) Section 3 Zoo animals. If you are a non-professional and want to have fun, we suggest you join section 3 the Zoo Animals section.

Registration is now open for the biggest Mardi Gras celebration in the United States! Join us from February 24th to March 1st, 2025, and experience the rhythms of Brazil with CASA Samba at the New Orleans Mardi Gras 2025. Don’t miss out on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of the epic Endymion Parade. Limited positions available as of January 11th, 2025, for Drummers (18 spots) and Dancers in section one (13 spots) and section two (20 spots). The animal section is still open.

Casa Samba and Mestre Curtis are seeking volunteers to carry lighted animal puppet heads as part of our Enredo/theme, inspired by the zoo. This is more than just a song – it’s a powerful message. If you’re interested, please get in touch with us.

Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 Schedule

A full schedule of Live Brazil and New Orleans cultural performances, demonstration sessions & dance and drumming workshops. On both the culture of New Orleans and the Brasilian Carnaval

12:30pm to 5:30Gernon Brown Recreation Center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba

Conference CEO

Registration & Coffee

Complementary fruit and snacks and registration for Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 Pick up your name tag, and credentials and schedule the week activities. Drone and dance auditions for  Samba Skill-level casting
12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration check in auditions

February 24

  Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration and check-in

Receive credentials, Conference information handouts, Costume inspection, and drummer-level auditions for positions in the Bateria. After this the distribution of samba instruments. Drumming and Dance jam session from 4 p.m. to 5 PM.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon Brown Recreation Center
Mestre Curtis Pierre with Guest New Orleans Percussionist
Mestre Curtis Pierre with Guest New Orleans Percussionist

Auditions and rehearsals

Monday 7:00PM to 8:30 PM Mestre Curtis Presents an EPIC Night of Percussion

February 24

  Monday 7 PM to 8:30pm PM

Mestre Curtis Presents an EPIC Night of Percussion. A special Night of Percussion Mestre Curts and his Sun Bomani showcases the New Orleans percussionist. In a way that his has never been seen before featuring  some of the best Percussion performing  Artist on an upper level in this city. There will also be a percussion display of Mestre Curtis's handmade string percussion instruments. Instruments that he has created both from traditional materials and natural materials found in his surroundings

Mestre Curtis handmade String Percussion String Orchestra

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Tuesday 12 PM to 5 PM Audition/Rehearsals

February 25  Tuesday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM rehearsal session The rehearsal section is for everyone. The first session will be of individual sectionals samba Tamborim section, a Samba percussion section Plattinella, Reco-reco, Cuica, and Agogo(Agogo quartro boca welcome) Repequie and Caixa section, and Repequie de More, and a Surdo section. Dancers will divided into three groups Samba Dancer sections A, B, and C. Section A will represent the professional Samba dancers. Section B will be the non-professional Samba dancers. Section C will represent the animal section which will be divided into six groups according to the name of the animal costume they have. In the second half of rehearsal, everyone will rehearse as a group.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Herlin Riley
Herlin Riley

Master Jazz drummer musician songwriter performer

Tuesday Night Herlin Riley 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Tuesday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM An evening with Mr. Herlin Riley and Jorge Alabe Master Jazz drummer musician, and performer Mr. Herlin Riley. He will do a lecture and performance on the roots of jazz music. He will also speak about the evolution of jazz in his lifetime and the direction it is going now. The master artists will present comparisons and similarities of the Afro-Brazilian rhythms to the rhythms of New Orleans Jazz and brass band drumming. Special guest Mestre Curtis and Director Bomani Pierre. Don't miss this cultural update performance and a great jam session after the performance. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 1

Wednesday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

February 26 Mandatory rehearsal

   Wednesday 12 to 5 PM  Mandatory rehearsal session This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

  • A Casa Samba facilitator for each of the 3 dance sections Will be broken up into three different teens - professionals non-professionals and the animal section
  •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) Will be broken down into sectionals in the first half of rehearsal day and brought together in a group in the second half.
7:00PM - 8:30PMGarnon Brown Center City park
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians

Wednesday Night Concerts

Night concerts from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM by traditional Mardi Gras Indians, and traditional brass bands, along with Second Line Marching Club Young Men Olympia performance and "A Night in Brasil" a show with Casa Samba and Guest Artist. On Tuesday night will feature the music and traditions of New Orleans. Highlighting the Carnaval cultures of our city and the communities they exist in. We are hoping to feature the following components. A jazz band, a brass band, a Zulu social aid and pleasure club, the YMO  traditional second line group, Mardi Gras Indians, Baby dolls, and more. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 2

Thursday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 p.m. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil

featuring Chief Master drummer Jorge Alabe, Bomani Pierre Director of the Bateira and guest Sambaistas from around the country American and Brasilian

Thursday Night In Brasil

Thursday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM This show is about the Cultures of Carnaval you don’t see when you go to the Mardi Gras parades. A great way to experience a taste of New Orleans, the community version of the Cultures of Carnaval. Putting this combination together takes a Brass band, Second-line dancers, Mardi Gras Indian, and Casa Samba. As well as any other additions such as a Stilt Dancers. The total package of all our Brasilian performances in one show. The extravaganza includes a combination of the Brazilian folkloric show and the samba show all in one complete presentation. this performance will consist of dancers, drummers, a full band, and stilt walkers. A show featuring some of the cultures of New Orleans, brass bands, Mardi Gras Indians, and second-line steppers. AfterParty Samba Jam Session. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Final Mandatory rehearsal 3

Friday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 PM Mandatory rehearsal session. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

12:00PM - 2:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM

Saturday:2:00 PM Meet at the designated parade location

Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM

  • March 1 Endymion Parade Day

       Saturday:2:30 PM Meet at the designated parade location. The Endymion Parade Lines up at Marconi drive and city Park Drive. Locate it at New Orleans City Park. As a parade unit, we should meet 2 1/2 hours before the starting time of the parade. Our location within the Endymion Parade Will be announced at the final rehearsal.

    • You will be responsible for your transportation to and from the parade and rehearsals
    • Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM near Marconi Drive in city Park Avenue we will be located behind the Grand Marshal or TBA and will begin arriving at 2 o'clock at (five)5:00 PM Endymion parade will begin. The route from City Park to the Superdome will be. City Drive to Carrollton Avenue turn right on Carrollton Avenue and in turn left on Canal Street continue on Canal Street to the downtown area and turn right on Saint Charles Avenue we will then go to  Podyras Street  and finish at the New Orleans Superdome
    •  There will be at least (1)one to (2)two Casa Samba facilitators for each of the 3 dance sections.
    •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) received Instruments from the equipment truck.
    • No one will be allowed to Parade without a costume or a Casa Samba support T-shirt.
12:30pm to 5:30Gernon Brown Recreation Center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba

Conference CEO

Registration & Coffee

Complementary fruit and snacks and registration for Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 Pick up your name tag, and credentials and schedule the week activities. Drone and dance auditions for  Samba Skill-level casting
12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration check in auditions

February 24

  Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration and check-in

Receive credentials, Conference information handouts, Costume inspection, and drummer-level auditions for positions in the Bateria. After this the distribution of samba instruments. Drumming and Dance jam session from 4 p.m. to 5 PM.

12:30PM - 5:30PMGernon Brown Center
Mestre Curtis Pierre
Mestre Curtis Pierre

CEO of Company Casa Samba

Tuesday rehearsal for Dancers and Drummer’s

  • Rehearsal is from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM with a 30-minute break the next session will begin at 3 o'clock to 5:30 PM
  • A Casa Samba facilitator for each of the 3 dance sections Will be broken up into three different teens - professionals non-professionals and the animal section
  • The Samba percussion band(Bateria) Will be broken down into sectionals in the first half of rehearsal day and brought together in a group in the second half
12:00PM - 36:00PMGarnon Brown Center City park
Rosangela Silvestre
Rosangela Silvestre

General rehearsal session

February 25

Tuesday 1 to 5 p.m. rehearsal session Break at 2 2:30 PM to  3:00 PM

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Tuesday 12 PM to 5 PM Audition/Rehearsals

February 25  Tuesday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM rehearsal session The rehearsal section is for everyone. The first session will be of individual sectionals samba Tamborim section, a Samba percussion section Plattinella, Reco-reco, Cuica, and Agogo(Agogo quartro boca welcome) Repequie and Caixa section, and Repequie de More, and a Surdo section. Dancers will divided into three groups Samba Dancer sections A, B, and C. Section A will represent the professional Samba dancers. Section B will be the non-professional Samba dancers. Section C will represent the animal section which will be divided into six groups according to the name of the animal costume they have. In the second half of rehearsal, everyone will rehearse as a group.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Herlin Riley
Herlin Riley

Master Jazz drummer musician songwriter performer

Tuesday Night Herlin Riley 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Tuesday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM An evening with Mr. Herlin Riley and Jorge Alabe Master Jazz drummer musician, and performer Mr. Herlin Riley. He will do a lecture and performance on the roots of jazz music. He will also speak about the evolution of jazz in his lifetime and the direction it is going now. The master artists will present comparisons and similarities of the Afro-Brazilian rhythms to the rhythms of New Orleans Jazz and brass band drumming. Special guest Mestre Curtis and Director Bomani Pierre. Don't miss this cultural update performance and a great jam session after the performance. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 1

Wednesday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

February 26 Mandatory rehearsal

   Wednesday 12 to 5 PM  Mandatory rehearsal session This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

  • A Casa Samba facilitator for each of the 3 dance sections Will be broken up into three different teens - professionals non-professionals and the animal section
  •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) Will be broken down into sectionals in the first half of rehearsal day and brought together in a group in the second half.
7:00PM - 8:30PMGarnon Brown Center City park
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians

Wednesday Night Concerts

Night concerts from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM by traditional Mardi Gras Indians, and traditional brass bands, along with Second Line Marching Club Young Men Olympia performance and "A Night in Brasil" a show with Casa Samba and Guest Artist. On Tuesday night will feature the music and traditions of New Orleans. Highlighting the Carnaval cultures of our city and the communities they exist in. We are hoping to feature the following components. A jazz band, a brass band, a Zulu social aid and pleasure club, the YMO  traditional second line group, Mardi Gras Indians, Baby dolls, and more. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 2

Thursday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 p.m. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil

featuring Chief Master drummer Jorge Alabe, Bomani Pierre Director of the Bateira and guest Sambaistas from around the country American and Brasilian

Thursday Night In Brasil

Thursday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM This show is about the Cultures of Carnaval you don’t see when you go to the Mardi Gras parades. A great way to experience a taste of New Orleans, the community version of the Cultures of Carnaval. Putting this combination together takes a Brass band, Second-line dancers, Mardi Gras Indian, and Casa Samba. As well as any other additions such as a Stilt Dancers. The total package of all our Brasilian performances in one show. The extravaganza includes a combination of the Brazilian folkloric show and the samba show all in one complete presentation. this performance will consist of dancers, drummers, a full band, and stilt walkers. A show featuring some of the cultures of New Orleans, brass bands, Mardi Gras Indians, and second-line steppers. AfterParty Samba Jam Session. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Final Mandatory rehearsal 3

Friday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 PM Mandatory rehearsal session. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

12:00PM - 2:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM

Saturday:2:00 PM Meet at the designated parade location

Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM

  • March 1 Endymion Parade Day

       Saturday:2:30 PM Meet at the designated parade location. The Endymion Parade Lines up at Marconi drive and city Park Drive. Locate it at New Orleans City Park. As a parade unit, we should meet 2 1/2 hours before the starting time of the parade. Our location within the Endymion Parade Will be announced at the final rehearsal.

    • You will be responsible for your transportation to and from the parade and rehearsals
    • Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM near Marconi Drive in city Park Avenue we will be located behind the Grand Marshal or TBA and will begin arriving at 2 o'clock at (five)5:00 PM Endymion parade will begin. The route from City Park to the Superdome will be. City Drive to Carrollton Avenue turn right on Carrollton Avenue and in turn left on Canal Street continue on Canal Street to the downtown area and turn right on Saint Charles Avenue we will then go to  Podyras Street  and finish at the New Orleans Superdome
    •  There will be at least (1)one to (2)two Casa Samba facilitators for each of the 3 dance sections.
    •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) received Instruments from the equipment truck.
    • No one will be allowed to Parade without a costume or a Casa Samba support T-shirt.
12:30pm to 5:30Gernon Brown Recreation Center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba

Conference CEO

Registration & Coffee

Complementary fruit and snacks and registration for Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 Pick up your name tag, and credentials and schedule the week activities. Drone and dance auditions for  Samba Skill-level casting
12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration check in auditions

February 24

  Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration and check-in

Receive credentials, Conference information handouts, Costume inspection, and drummer-level auditions for positions in the Bateria. After this the distribution of samba instruments. Drumming and Dance jam session from 4 p.m. to 5 PM.

12:00PM - 36:00PMGarnon Brown Center City park
Rosangela Silvestre
Rosangela Silvestre

General rehearsal session

February 25

Tuesday 1 to 5 p.m. rehearsal session Break at 2 2:30 PM to  3:00 PM

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Tuesday 12 PM to 5 PM Audition/Rehearsals

February 25  Tuesday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM rehearsal session The rehearsal section is for everyone. The first session will be of individual sectionals samba Tamborim section, a Samba percussion section Plattinella, Reco-reco, Cuica, and Agogo(Agogo quartro boca welcome) Repequie and Caixa section, and Repequie de More, and a Surdo section. Dancers will divided into three groups Samba Dancer sections A, B, and C. Section A will represent the professional Samba dancers. Section B will be the non-professional Samba dancers. Section C will represent the animal section which will be divided into six groups according to the name of the animal costume they have. In the second half of rehearsal, everyone will rehearse as a group.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Herlin Riley
Herlin Riley

Master Jazz drummer musician songwriter performer

Tuesday Night Herlin Riley 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Tuesday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM An evening with Mr. Herlin Riley and Jorge Alabe Master Jazz drummer musician, and performer Mr. Herlin Riley. He will do a lecture and performance on the roots of jazz music. He will also speak about the evolution of jazz in his lifetime and the direction it is going now. The master artists will present comparisons and similarities of the Afro-Brazilian rhythms to the rhythms of New Orleans Jazz and brass band drumming. Special guest Mestre Curtis and Director Bomani Pierre. Don't miss this cultural update performance and a great jam session after the performance. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 1

Wednesday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

February 26 Mandatory rehearsal

   Wednesday 12 to 5 PM  Mandatory rehearsal session This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

  • A Casa Samba facilitator for each of the 3 dance sections Will be broken up into three different teens - professionals non-professionals and the animal section
  •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) Will be broken down into sectionals in the first half of rehearsal day and brought together in a group in the second half.
7:00PM - 8:30PMGarnon Brown Center City park
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians

Wednesday Night Concerts

Night concerts from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM by traditional Mardi Gras Indians, and traditional brass bands, along with Second Line Marching Club Young Men Olympia performance and "A Night in Brasil" a show with Casa Samba and Guest Artist. On Tuesday night will feature the music and traditions of New Orleans. Highlighting the Carnaval cultures of our city and the communities they exist in. We are hoping to feature the following components. A jazz band, a brass band, a Zulu social aid and pleasure club, the YMO  traditional second line group, Mardi Gras Indians, Baby dolls, and more. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 2

Thursday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 p.m. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

12:30PM - 5:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre
Mestre Curtis Pierre

Director of the Bateria

Wednesday Night Culture of New Orleans

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]Wednesday Night concerts 7 PM to 8:30 PM Highlighting the Carnaval cultures of our city and the communities they exist in. We are hoping to feature the following components. A jazz band, a brass band, a Zulu social aid and pleasure club, the YMO  traditional second line group, Mardi Gras Indians.
Baby dolls and more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil

featuring Chief Master drummer Jorge Alabe, Bomani Pierre Director of the Bateira and guest Sambaistas from around the country American and Brasilian

Thursday Night In Brasil

Thursday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM This show is about the Cultures of Carnaval you don’t see when you go to the Mardi Gras parades. A great way to experience a taste of New Orleans, the community version of the Cultures of Carnaval. Putting this combination together takes a Brass band, Second-line dancers, Mardi Gras Indian, and Casa Samba. As well as any other additions such as a Stilt Dancers. The total package of all our Brasilian performances in one show. The extravaganza includes a combination of the Brazilian folkloric show and the samba show all in one complete presentation. this performance will consist of dancers, drummers, a full band, and stilt walkers. A show featuring some of the cultures of New Orleans, brass bands, Mardi Gras Indians, and second-line steppers. AfterParty Samba Jam Session. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Final Mandatory rehearsal 3

Friday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 PM Mandatory rehearsal session. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

12:00PM - 2:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM

Saturday:2:00 PM Meet at the designated parade location

Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM

  • March 1 Endymion Parade Day

       Saturday:2:30 PM Meet at the designated parade location. The Endymion Parade Lines up at Marconi drive and city Park Drive. Locate it at New Orleans City Park. As a parade unit, we should meet 2 1/2 hours before the starting time of the parade. Our location within the Endymion Parade Will be announced at the final rehearsal.

    • You will be responsible for your transportation to and from the parade and rehearsals
    • Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM near Marconi Drive in city Park Avenue we will be located behind the Grand Marshal or TBA and will begin arriving at 2 o'clock at (five)5:00 PM Endymion parade will begin. The route from City Park to the Superdome will be. City Drive to Carrollton Avenue turn right on Carrollton Avenue and in turn left on Canal Street continue on Canal Street to the downtown area and turn right on Saint Charles Avenue we will then go to  Podyras Street  and finish at the New Orleans Superdome
    •  There will be at least (1)one to (2)two Casa Samba facilitators for each of the 3 dance sections.
    •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) received Instruments from the equipment truck.
    • No one will be allowed to Parade without a costume or a Casa Samba support T-shirt.
12:30pm to 5:30Gernon Brown Recreation Center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba

Conference CEO

Registration & Coffee

Complementary fruit and snacks and registration for Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 Pick up your name tag, and credentials and schedule the week activities. Drone and dance auditions for  Samba Skill-level casting
12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration check in auditions

February 24

  Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration and check-in

Receive credentials, Conference information handouts, Costume inspection, and drummer-level auditions for positions in the Bateria. After this the distribution of samba instruments. Drumming and Dance jam session from 4 p.m. to 5 PM.

12:00PM - 36:00PMGarnon Brown Center City park
Rosangela Silvestre
Rosangela Silvestre

General rehearsal session

February 25

Tuesday 1 to 5 p.m. rehearsal session Break at 2 2:30 PM to  3:00 PM

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Tuesday 12 PM to 5 PM Audition/Rehearsals

February 25  Tuesday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM rehearsal session The rehearsal section is for everyone. The first session will be of individual sectionals samba Tamborim section, a Samba percussion section Plattinella, Reco-reco, Cuica, and Agogo(Agogo quartro boca welcome) Repequie and Caixa section, and Repequie de More, and a Surdo section. Dancers will divided into three groups Samba Dancer sections A, B, and C. Section A will represent the professional Samba dancers. Section B will be the non-professional Samba dancers. Section C will represent the animal section which will be divided into six groups according to the name of the animal costume they have. In the second half of rehearsal, everyone will rehearse as a group.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Herlin Riley
Herlin Riley

Master Jazz drummer musician songwriter performer

Tuesday Night Herlin Riley 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Tuesday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM An evening with Mr. Herlin Riley and Jorge Alabe Master Jazz drummer musician, and performer Mr. Herlin Riley. He will do a lecture and performance on the roots of jazz music. He will also speak about the evolution of jazz in his lifetime and the direction it is going now. The master artists will present comparisons and similarities of the Afro-Brazilian rhythms to the rhythms of New Orleans Jazz and brass band drumming. Special guest Mestre Curtis and Director Bomani Pierre. Don't miss this cultural update performance and a great jam session after the performance. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 1

Wednesday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

February 26 Mandatory rehearsal

   Wednesday 12 to 5 PM  Mandatory rehearsal session This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

  • A Casa Samba facilitator for each of the 3 dance sections Will be broken up into three different teens - professionals non-professionals and the animal section
  •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) Will be broken down into sectionals in the first half of rehearsal day and brought together in a group in the second half.
7:00PM - 8:30PMGarnon Brown Center City park
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians

Wednesday Night Concerts

Night concerts from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM by traditional Mardi Gras Indians, and traditional brass bands, along with Second Line Marching Club Young Men Olympia performance and "A Night in Brasil" a show with Casa Samba and Guest Artist. On Tuesday night will feature the music and traditions of New Orleans. Highlighting the Carnaval cultures of our city and the communities they exist in. We are hoping to feature the following components. A jazz band, a brass band, a Zulu social aid and pleasure club, the YMO  traditional second line group, Mardi Gras Indians, Baby dolls, and more. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 2

Thursday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 p.m. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil

featuring Chief Master drummer Jorge Alabe, Bomani Pierre Director of the Bateira and guest Sambaistas from around the country American and Brasilian

Thursday Night In Brasil

Thursday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM This show is about the Cultures of Carnaval you don’t see when you go to the Mardi Gras parades. A great way to experience a taste of New Orleans, the community version of the Cultures of Carnaval. Putting this combination together takes a Brass band, Second-line dancers, Mardi Gras Indian, and Casa Samba. As well as any other additions such as a Stilt Dancers. The total package of all our Brasilian performances in one show. The extravaganza includes a combination of the Brazilian folkloric show and the samba show all in one complete presentation. this performance will consist of dancers, drummers, a full band, and stilt walkers. A show featuring some of the cultures of New Orleans, brass bands, Mardi Gras Indians, and second-line steppers. AfterParty Samba Jam Session. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Final Mandatory rehearsal 3

Friday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 PM Mandatory rehearsal session. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

12:00PM - 2:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM

Saturday:2:00 PM Meet at the designated parade location

Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM

  • March 1 Endymion Parade Day

       Saturday:2:30 PM Meet at the designated parade location. The Endymion Parade Lines up at Marconi drive and city Park Drive. Locate it at New Orleans City Park. As a parade unit, we should meet 2 1/2 hours before the starting time of the parade. Our location within the Endymion Parade Will be announced at the final rehearsal.

    • You will be responsible for your transportation to and from the parade and rehearsals
    • Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM near Marconi Drive in city Park Avenue we will be located behind the Grand Marshal or TBA and will begin arriving at 2 o'clock at (five)5:00 PM Endymion parade will begin. The route from City Park to the Superdome will be. City Drive to Carrollton Avenue turn right on Carrollton Avenue and in turn left on Canal Street continue on Canal Street to the downtown area and turn right on Saint Charles Avenue we will then go to  Podyras Street  and finish at the New Orleans Superdome
    •  There will be at least (1)one to (2)two Casa Samba facilitators for each of the 3 dance sections.
    •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) received Instruments from the equipment truck.
    • No one will be allowed to Parade without a costume or a Casa Samba support T-shirt.
12:30pm to 5:30Gernon Brown Recreation Center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba

Conference CEO

Registration & Coffee

Complementary fruit and snacks and registration for Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 Pick up your name tag, and credentials and schedule the week activities. Drone and dance auditions for  Samba Skill-level casting
12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration check in auditions

February 24

  Monday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM registration and check-in

Receive credentials, Conference information handouts, Costume inspection, and drummer-level auditions for positions in the Bateria. After this the distribution of samba instruments. Drumming and Dance jam session from 4 p.m. to 5 PM.

12:00PM - 36:00PMGarnon Brown Center City park
Rosangela Silvestre
Rosangela Silvestre

General rehearsal session

February 25

Tuesday 1 to 5 p.m. rehearsal session Break at 2 2:30 PM to  3:00 PM

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Staff

Auditions and rehearsals

Tuesday 12 PM to 5 PM Audition/Rehearsals

February 25  Tuesday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM rehearsal session The rehearsal section is for everyone. The first session will be of individual sectionals samba Tamborim section, a Samba percussion section Plattinella, Reco-reco, Cuica, and Agogo(Agogo quartro boca welcome) Repequie and Caixa section, and Repequie de More, and a Surdo section. Dancers will divided into three groups Samba Dancer sections A, B, and C. Section A will represent the professional Samba dancers. Section B will be the non-professional Samba dancers. Section C will represent the animal section which will be divided into six groups according to the name of the animal costume they have. In the second half of rehearsal, everyone will rehearse as a group.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Herlin Riley
Herlin Riley

Master Jazz drummer musician songwriter performer

Tuesday Night Herlin Riley 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Tuesday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM An evening with Mr. Herlin Riley and Jorge Alabe Master Jazz drummer musician, and performer Mr. Herlin Riley. He will do a lecture and performance on the roots of jazz music. He will also speak about the evolution of jazz in his lifetime and the direction it is going now. The master artists will present comparisons and similarities of the Afro-Brazilian rhythms to the rhythms of New Orleans Jazz and brass band drumming. Special guest Mestre Curtis and Director Bomani Pierre. Don't miss this cultural update performance and a great jam session after the performance. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 1

Wednesday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

February 26 Mandatory rehearsal

   Wednesday 12 to 5 PM  Mandatory rehearsal session This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

  • A Casa Samba facilitator for each of the 3 dance sections Will be broken up into three different teens - professionals non-professionals and the animal section
  •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) Will be broken down into sectionals in the first half of rehearsal day and brought together in a group in the second half.
7:00PM - 8:30PMGarnon Brown Center City park
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians

Wednesday Night Concerts

Night concerts from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM by traditional Mardi Gras Indians, and traditional brass bands, along with Second Line Marching Club Young Men Olympia performance and "A Night in Brasil" a show with Casa Samba and Guest Artist. On Tuesday night will feature the music and traditions of New Orleans. Highlighting the Carnaval cultures of our city and the communities they exist in. We are hoping to feature the following components. A jazz band, a brass band, a Zulu social aid and pleasure club, the YMO  traditional second line group, Mardi Gras Indians, Baby dolls, and more. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 2

Thursday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 p.m. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil

featuring Chief Master drummer Jorge Alabe, Bomani Pierre Director of the Bateira and guest Sambaistas from around the country American and Brasilian

Thursday Night In Brasil

Thursday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM This show is about the Cultures of Carnaval you don’t see when you go to the Mardi Gras parades. A great way to experience a taste of New Orleans, the community version of the Cultures of Carnaval. Putting this combination together takes a Brass band, Second-line dancers, Mardi Gras Indian, and Casa Samba. As well as any other additions such as a Stilt Dancers. The total package of all our Brasilian performances in one show. The extravaganza includes a combination of the Brazilian folkloric show and the samba show all in one complete presentation. this performance will consist of dancers, drummers, a full band, and stilt walkers. A show featuring some of the cultures of New Orleans, brass bands, Mardi Gras Indians, and second-line steppers. AfterParty Samba Jam Session. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Final Mandatory rehearsal 3

Friday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 PM Mandatory rehearsal session. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

12:00PM - 2:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM

Saturday:2:00 PM Meet at the designated parade location

Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM

  • March 1 Endymion Parade Day

       Saturday:2:30 PM Meet at the designated parade location. The Endymion Parade Lines up at Marconi drive and city Park Drive. Locate it at New Orleans City Park. As a parade unit, we should meet 2 1/2 hours before the starting time of the parade. Our location within the Endymion Parade Will be announced at the final rehearsal.

    • You will be responsible for your transportation to and from the parade and rehearsals
    • Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM near Marconi Drive in city Park Avenue we will be located behind the Grand Marshal or TBA and will begin arriving at 2 o'clock at (five)5:00 PM Endymion parade will begin. The route from City Park to the Superdome will be. City Drive to Carrollton Avenue turn right on Carrollton Avenue and in turn left on Canal Street continue on Canal Street to the downtown area and turn right on Saint Charles Avenue we will then go to  Podyras Street  and finish at the New Orleans Superdome
    •  There will be at least (1)one to (2)two Casa Samba facilitators for each of the 3 dance sections.
    •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) received Instruments from the equipment truck.
    • No one will be allowed to Parade without a costume or a Casa Samba support T-shirt.
12:30pm to 5:30Gernon Brown Recreation Center
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba
Mestre Curtis Pierre and Casa Samba

Conference CEO

Registration & Coffee

Complementary fruit and snacks and registration for Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 Pick up your name tag, and credentials and schedule the week activities. Drone and dance auditions for  Samba Skill-level casting
7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Herlin Riley
Herlin Riley

Master Jazz drummer musician songwriter performer

Tuesday Night Herlin Riley 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Tuesday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM An evening with Mr. Herlin Riley and Jorge Alabe Master Jazz drummer musician, and performer Mr. Herlin Riley. He will do a lecture and performance on the roots of jazz music. He will also speak about the evolution of jazz in his lifetime and the direction it is going now. The master artists will present comparisons and similarities of the Afro-Brazilian rhythms to the rhythms of New Orleans Jazz and brass band drumming. Special guest Mestre Curtis and Director Bomani Pierre. Don't miss this cultural update performance and a great jam session after the performance. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 1

Wednesday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

February 26 Mandatory rehearsal

   Wednesday 12 to 5 PM  Mandatory rehearsal session This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

  • A Casa Samba facilitator for each of the 3 dance sections Will be broken up into three different teens - professionals non-professionals and the animal section
  •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) Will be broken down into sectionals in the first half of rehearsal day and brought together in a group in the second half.
7:00PM - 8:30PMGarnon Brown Center City park
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians
New Orleans Brass Band Musicians

Wednesday Night Concerts

Night concerts from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM by traditional Mardi Gras Indians, and traditional brass bands, along with Second Line Marching Club Young Men Olympia performance and "A Night in Brasil" a show with Casa Samba and Guest Artist. On Tuesday night will feature the music and traditions of New Orleans. Highlighting the Carnaval cultures of our city and the communities they exist in. We are hoping to feature the following components. A jazz band, a brass band, a Zulu social aid and pleasure club, the YMO  traditional second line group, Mardi Gras Indians, Baby dolls, and more. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Mandatory rehearsal 2

Thursday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 p.m. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

7:00PM - 8:30PMGernon brown recreation center
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil
Casa Samba Presents a Night in Brasil

featuring Chief Master drummer Jorge Alabe, Bomani Pierre Director of the Bateira and guest Sambaistas from around the country American and Brasilian

Thursday Night In Brasil

Thursday Night In Brasil 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM This show is about the Cultures of Carnaval you don’t see when you go to the Mardi Gras parades. A great way to experience a taste of New Orleans, the community version of the Cultures of Carnaval. Putting this combination together takes a Brass band, Second-line dancers, Mardi Gras Indian, and Casa Samba. As well as any other additions such as a Stilt Dancers. The total package of all our Brasilian performances in one show. The extravaganza includes a combination of the Brazilian folkloric show and the samba show all in one complete presentation. this performance will consist of dancers, drummers, a full band, and stilt walkers. A show featuring some of the cultures of New Orleans, brass bands, Mardi Gras Indians, and second-line steppers. AfterParty Samba Jam Session. *All attendees must have conference Nametags No guests.

12:00PM - 5:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff
Mestre Jorge Alabe, Mestre Curtis and Staff

Final Mandatory rehearsal 3

Friday 12 PM to 5 PM two rehearsal sessions

  • February 27 Mandatory rehearsal

       Thursday is a mandatory rehearsal session from 12 to 5 PM Mandatory rehearsal session. This rehearsal section is mandatory for everyone Registered for the conference. This Will be an all-day section for everyone to rehearse together as a group, under the direction of Mestre Curtis Pierre and his Directors. The rehearsal will be from 12:00 to 5:00 there will be a 30-minute break between the 2 rehearsal sessions.

12:00PM - 2:00PMGernon brown recreation center
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM
Saturday Endymion Parade Lineup 2 PM

Saturday:2:00 PM Meet at the designated parade location

Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM

  • March 1 Endymion Parade Day

       Saturday:2:30 PM Meet at the designated parade location. The Endymion Parade Lines up at Marconi drive and city Park Drive. Locate it at New Orleans City Park. As a parade unit, we should meet 2 1/2 hours before the starting time of the parade. Our location within the Endymion Parade Will be announced at the final rehearsal.

    • You will be responsible for your transportation to and from the parade and rehearsals
    • Saturday Endymion Parade Location Lineup 2 PM near Marconi Drive in city Park Avenue we will be located behind the Grand Marshal or TBA and will begin arriving at 2 o'clock at (five)5:00 PM Endymion parade will begin. The route from City Park to the Superdome will be. City Drive to Carrollton Avenue turn right on Carrollton Avenue and in turn left on Canal Street continue on Canal Street to the downtown area and turn right on Saint Charles Avenue we will then go to  Podyras Street  and finish at the New Orleans Superdome
    •  There will be at least (1)one to (2)two Casa Samba facilitators for each of the 3 dance sections.
    •  The Samba percussion band(Bateria) received Instruments from the equipment truck.
    • No one will be allowed to Parade without a costume or a Casa Samba support T-shirt.

Keynote Speakers

World renowned Afro Brazilian and New Orleans cultural leaders

  • Riley



    Master Jazz drummer and performer Mr. Herlin Riley. He will do a workshop and performance on the roots of jazz music.

  • Barber-Pierre

    Professora Carolyn


    The first Afro Brasilian female dance specialist of New Orleans she will speak on the 30 years of teaching Afro-Brasilian dance and the struggles, rewards, and benefits. Professora Carolyn will also speak about the relationship of our city and synchronization of the two Carnaval cities.

  • Bezarra

    Chief Jorge Alabe


    There are Master drummers and there is a Chief Master drummer Chief Alabe is an Afro Brasilian cultural specialist he will speak up on the the evolution of Samba in Rio de Janeiro the changes that has taken place from the 1970s to today's 2025 Baterias Samba Percussion bands) and how they have influenced and change the culture of theEscola de Samba Schools

  • Andrews



    One of New Orleans Premier trumpeters World-renowned touring artist and master performer and artist Will speak up on how the brass band culture has evolved in his lifetime.

  • Pierre

    Mestre Curtis


    The New Orleans Ambassador on Afro-Brasilian culture. Founder and Director of the first school samba in Louisiana and some parts of the southern region. He is a native Master Percussionist Born and raised in New Orleans and Mestre will be speaking on the evolution of the hand drum rhythms of New Orleans. He will introduce to the world his newest New Orleans base conga rhythm called Fish.

  • Zulu

    Big Chief Shaka


    Zulu has lectured on the history and culture of the New Orleans Black Masking Indian tradition. He also owns an African Drum and Dance Arts Company and is working on a stage production called Voices of Congo Square. Born in 1969 in New Orleans' Ninth Ward, Zulu grew up in the performing arts company Free Spirit, founded by his father Zohar Israel. Zulu's father carved a drum for him when he was four years old, and he was initiated into his community's drum society at age 13.

  • Banister

    Big Chief Irving “Honey”


    * Background
Honey's mother, Big Queen Ledell Banister, is also a member of the Creole Wild West tribe, and she got Honey involved when he was six years old. His father, Irving Banister Sr., was a guitarist who played with artists like Danny White, Eddie Bo, and Allen Toussaint. * Band
Honey is the frontman of the Grammy-nominated Mardi Gras Indian funk band Cha Wa. The band has released three albums, including Funk n Feathers (2016), Spyboy (2018), and My People (2021). Spyboy was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2018, and My People was nominated in 2021. Performance style
Honey is known for wearing traditional Mardi Gras Indian clothing, including intricately designed headdresses, during performances

              Register today for the Mardi Gras Brasil Carnaval Conference now

Lock in the lowest price for

Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 Pre-register now and we’ll contact you with more details when it’s time to complete your registration

What people are saying about the First Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025

  • Experience the Magic: Join the First-Ever New Orleans Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference and Parade!

    Dana Leon

    Dana Leon

    Afro-Brazilian Dancer, Fashion designer, and performer
  • I'm proud to be one of the sponsors the inaugural New Orleans Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval conference, offering five days of training leading up to the spectacular Endymion Parade. Join Casa Samba for this historic event and seize the priceless opportunity to participate in the largest parade in New Orleans. While watching the parade is an incredible experience, being in the parade is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't miss out - you have to be there! Experience the excitement by participating in the New Orleans Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference!

    Tyrone Henry

    Tyrone Henry

    Founder and creator of Bissap Brezze LLC.
  • Experience the Excitement: Join the First-Ever New Orleans Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference and Parade with Escola de Samba Casa Samba! I can't wait to do this.

    Roberta Santiago

    Roberta Santiago

    SEO Manager UPS New York
  • I always wanted to go to New Orleans, but never really had the time I am also a retired drummer. But my drumming chops are still in good standings. I am definitely going to New Orleans and be a part of this epic event

    Alex Gomez

    Alex Gomez

    Vice President Company Limousines to Go LLC.

Purchase your Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 position

Flexible pricing with no surprises

Professional Samba dancers

  • Open position Limited to 25 professional level samba dancers
  • Friday the 28th is a mandatory rehearsal for everyone. All registered Guest are required to complete (2)two rehearsals in order to participate in the parade
  • Juice, Coffee/Snacks during the break
  • Printed Info Metarials
  • 4 Day Workshop
  • registration includes Free passes for nights performances
  • Register Here

The next section is the zoo animal section

  • Open position it will be six groups of animal sections each group will be limited to 35 people per section
  • Friday the 28th is a mandatory rehearsal for everyone. All registered Guest are required to complete (2)two rehearsals in order to participate in the parade
  • Free Coffee/Snacks during the break
  • Printed Info Metarials
  • 4 Day Workshop
  • registration includes Free passes for nights performances
  • Register Here

Non professional Samba dancers

  • Open position Limited to 25 Non-professional level samba dancers
  • Friday the 28th is a mandatory rehearsal for everyone. All registered Guest are required to complete (2)two rehearsals in order to participate in the parade
  • Free Coffee/Snacks during the break
  • Printed Info Metarials
  • 4 Day Workshop
  • registration includes Free passes for nights performances
  • Register Here

Casa Samba's Directors and staff section(only pre-approval by Mestre Curtis Pierre

  • Open position
  • Friday the 28th is a mandatory rehearsal for everyone. All registered Guest are required to complete (2)two rehearsals in order to participate in the parade
  • Free Coffee/Snacks during the break
  • Printed Info Metarials
  • 4 Day Workshop
  • registration includes Free passes for nights performances
  • Register Here

Bateria (Samba Drummers)

  • Open position Limited to 60 Samba drummers you will be placed in the Bateria according to your skill level
  • Friday the 28th is a mandatory rehearsal for everyone. All registered Guest are required to complete (2)two rehearsals in order to participate in the parade
  • Free Coffee/Snacks during the break
  • Printed Info Metarials
  • 4 Day Workshop
  • registration includes Free passes for nights performances
  • You be able to take your costume Home
  • Register Here

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Register for Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025

Lock into Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025. A limited number of positions for all categories professional dancers 25, non-professional dancers 25, Drummers (Bateria) 60. Drummer's costumes will be handmade by Mestre Curtis and Casa Samba are now available for $350 but only 60 people. The animal section is limited to 200 people. We have a strict limit of 300 people that can participate with in the Endymion parade with Casa Samba. Pre-register now and we'll contact you with more details when it's time to complete your registration

Latest News: partnership establish by Casa Samba and Academico Escola de Samba Salgueiro.

CREATION OF THE EMBASSY OF THE GRÊMIO RECREATIVO ESCOLA DE SAMBA ACADÊMICOS DO SALGUEIRO IN INTERNATIONAL TERRITORY Escola de Samba Casa Samba ( ano de criação) Introduction The Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Acadêmicos do Salgueiro was founded on March 5, 1953 and is one of the most important carnival groups in Rio de Janeiro. The school is one of the most traditional, having won nine titles in the Special Group. Salgueiro is a samba school with a strong sense of community and a rich history. The school has become a symbol of cultural resistance, innovation and creativity by raising the profile of black protagonists and characters read more....


A huge thanks to all our amazing partners. We couldn’t have a conference without you!

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

If your company is interested in sponsoring Mardi Gras Brazil Carnaval Conference 2025 this year, we’d love to hear from you. Send us a quick email and we’ll get right back to you with some more information and our sponsorship brochure

Possible location Gernon Brown Recreation Center

Possible Location that the conference will be held. This location is subject to change.

This is a possible location. If the location is change you will be sent an email on the new address and location

Get Directions:

Enter Destination From input field below to get directions to our event location

Destination From

Destination To

Possible location Gernon Brown Recreation Center

1001 Harrison Ave, New Orleans, LA 70124 located in New Orleans City Park This is a New Orleans recreation center it is a very secure area.

Phone: 504-236-7479 Location phone number: 504-658-3151


Our venue is a 14-minute drive from downtown. Street-car railway runs from the downtown CBD to the city park. The trolley car makes frequent runs on this route.


Parking can be tricky and expensive in New Orleans. Your best option is to use the SecureParking. Make sure you or not in a two away soon. Because of the high amount of parking space needed, you will be towed away immediately.

Places To Stay

Make the most of your visit and stay the night. If you want to be super near the conference venue then you you would be subject to a high traffic area for going in and out during the week Carnaval. I suggest staying in the outer then that’s wise uptown further out of the city lower the prices. Options or Metairie, Kenner, or New Orleans West Bank. You will have to cross the bridge but the BrB & hotel prices are much cheaper. Or you could find a unique experience via AirBnB.

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