samba kids classes
kids Samba drumming class
This is an open class walk-ins are welcome. Students learn rudimental drumming techniques, Proper Stick positioning, Proper seating and how to play a Samba drum. Class start at 9:30 to 10 AM. From ages 5 to 9 takes the drum rudiments and Samba drum class from 10am to 10:30am From ages 10 and up takes is the order drum rudiments and Samba drum class
kids stilt walking
This is a free kids only class for kids to learn how to walk on stilts and at the same time help build self-esteem, motivation and confidence building. learning to be calm and relaxed is one of the most difficult things for most kids to do annual adults this program helps them to focus on the moment that they are in. This also helps them focus and be concentrated at other times in their lives
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